Our year is 2016 which equals 9 and so is our day. Nine is for completion, humanitarian works, working to turn yourself into a better person, and turning your dreams into reality.

Our month is a 2 and so is the total for today.Today adds up to 11/2.  Two is about balance. Two is pictured as two pillars,which also looks like eleven, one on the left and one on the right. The pillars are used to keep balance, provide strength, and most importantly to hold up a roof so it won’t cave in on those around, meaning it is protection.  Eleven is a higher vibration of 2 and includes all of two’s personality traits. Eleven is full of intuition, gut feelings, faith, and psychic abilities. 11/2 days can bring on anxiety attacks, make you stressed out, and make you want to stay in bed.

Two is the psychiatrist of the numbers. Here lies your FBI behavior analysts. 2 bows when under pressure but will bounce back. Just like a tree in the wind, 2 will bow and stand firm without breaking (so to speak, trees do eventually break but only when succumb to disease, old age, or a hurricane).  Two is clever, cunning, insightful, will give great advice, but can be very dangerous when angered or when jealousy appears. Watch out today if you feel like being mean and vengeful, know that is two’s negative energy.

Two is  great with music and art. Two gets the social party moving and shaking, Two will get you to dance.Two knows music and rhythm and knows that you need to party in order to balance out the stress. Two may even tell you to party when stressed out.Sometimes having a benefit party will help with financial situations.  Two is a great comedian but not a vulgar one. Two will make you laugh until you cry.

Two days will help you with patience, leadership, and any decisive actions. Two is wonderful and clever. Two will use all her cunning to make you better. Two is your run to number for advice and direction. Two knows how human behavior ticks. Two is Sherlock Holmes and then some.

Today will be a great day to get all the advice you need to make your dreams come true as both two and nine are working together to give you eleven and the intuition you need to follow your heart.