Thiru Neela Kantam and Shreem Brzee are two chants I have been doing lately. Both are for 1 mala meaning 108 times. Not easy doing these chants. Your mouth gets dry. I have been adding in more shreem brzee to my day by running around mumbling them. Thiru Neela Kantam is used by our chanting group for karma. Today is a 3 day because 2+1+9=12/3. 3 days are manifesting days. This is the day to bring your dreams into reality. Bring in that new car. Dream something up and bring it to this physical realm. Notice 3 around you all the time. Think of these phrases: Love, Faith, Hope; Past, Present, Future; Birth, Life, Death; Father, Son, Holy Ghost; Ask, Believe, Receive; Maiden, Mother, Crone; and there are many, many more. Be adventurous today. Take that idea and run with it like a quarter back making a touch down. This one is for the game. See yourself victorious. That is why we chant certain things over and over. To remind ourselves we are masters of manifesting what we need and desire. Sometimes though, stress gets in the way and we get an outcome we didn’t want. Chalk it up to lessons learned and get moving to making it right.