Today, I want to discuss the demonization of Reiki. As you know, I love Reiki and I hate seeing it just being tossed around like hacky sack ball. I don’t believe in free Reiki. I think everyone should be taking classes and learning Reiki. The free attunements without classes, here read this book, and not giving anyone any type of instruction is what is causing so many people to believe Reiki is evil.

You can search the web on your own and find plenty of references. People will say their arms tingled so they were picking up bad spirits. Please! There is so much hate for Reiki and there really shouldn’t be. Reiki is just another path up the healing mountain and if we went back to classes that teach what byosen is and other Reiki techniques to really feel energy then we wouldn’t have this issue. Reiki is healing. Reiki is energy. And you must know both!

Join us for this discussion on my facebook group KWP’s Reiki and Money Reiki Group