Everyone knows how great a massage is at sixty, ninety, and two hour duration, but are you aware that you can benefit from even a five minute massage? It can be on a chair or on the table for the same short duration. It is well documented that even a five minute massage on a certain area that is in pain can reduce the pain level and provide relief. A massage lasting fifteen minutes can reduce pain, reduce stress, and enhance circulation. It will bring your blood pressure down and let you focus on your day instead of your pain. Many articles will tell you the benefits of massage. These benefits happen even with a shorter amount of time.


When people think of shorter massages they think of chair massage in the airport or at work. David Palmer is considered the godfather of chair massage in my profession. Everyone uses his list of benefits when they are listed in articles. So what are those benefits?


  • Increases circulation and the flow of nutrients throughout the system
  • Reduces muscular tension that can lead to chronic pain
  • Stimulates lymphatic tissues thereby flushing out toxins
  • Helps to relieve muscle stiffness and stress-induced tension
  • Releases endorphins (feel-good hormone) into the blood stream
  • Reduces fatigue, anxiety and depression
  • Helps provide better quality of sleep

The benefits for table or chair massage are the same. The only difference is in the time. To all employers, I say this, think about these benefits for your employees. I know you think money and bottom line, but your employees will do a better job for you if you include chair massage into their work time.

That is all great for chair but what about the table?

Table short times are amazing for anyone on a quick lunch break. Many think they can’t get in today for a massage because of (list your schedule here), but you can with a shorter session. I can tell you first hand what my clients experience after a fifteen minute NMT session. Fifteen minutes on my table focused only on one place where their problems are has diminished pain within their body. Fifteen minutes on my table has seen increase in range of motion. Fifteen minutes on my table has dropped blood pressure, reduced stress, brought on naps, and has made headaches disappear.

Thirty minutes on my table has helped low back sufferers. Thirty minutes twice a month has achieved improvement in walking (gait), pain management, and stress reduction. Thirty minutes of massage can help you be more flexible for golfing. Thirty minutes on the hands, arms, and shoulders has helped clients with carpal tunnel.

I am not hurting from emotions can massage help? 

Clients with depression, anxiety, and stressful employment have achieved emotional benefits. They have the feeling of the world lifted off their shoulders. Clients with chronic pain have improved their sleep. Pain management is successful when massage is added to the treatment plan. All of this can be obtain in fifteen or thirty minute sessions.

Whether you choose a five, ten, fifteen, thirty or longer minute massage/NMT session, YOU benefit.